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Exciting path through the mountains

Ready for a path forward that excites you?

It's time to manifest your dreams

and start living life on your terms

Red rocks and lonely tree in Utah

You're a professional woman
working in healthcare and you
want to make changes but feel
unsure of where to start.

Being a leader in healthcare comes with high expectations

from others and yourself.  You've spent so much time and

energy in getting to where you are.  And now what? 

You aren't sure what's next but you feel something is missing

and you aren't really happy.  


You know you need some perspective that will help you identify what matters most, so you can take your next step and be

clear on your path.  


I'm here to help

Peaceful sunshine over Dandelion Fields

By gaining the power to know yourself and

what you really want, you can let go of "I should"

and build the confidence to make decisions and

goals that support who you want to be

Together, we'll explore your experiences, your values and what you really want from life

Coach Michelle Walter

Hey There! 
I'm Michelle

Physician.  Coach.  Mom.  World Traveler.  Creative.   

Lover of Nature.  Introvert.  Manifestor.  


Breaker of the Status Quo. 


I am passionate about showing other high achieving women what is possible when you stop focusing on external voices telling you what your life should look like, what success is and what you are worth and start knowing yourself and your value.  Before I was a coach, I thought that achieving more was the key to success and was perpetually exhausted and unable to relax.  When I realized that those ways of thinking and doing were not helping me be happy or fulfilled, I was able to change my mindset and regain my energy and excitement for life.  Now I help other high achieving women get clear and confident on their path.  Because you deserve to live the life you desire.  Because you deserve to be excited.  Because you are worthy.  

Cultivate a life you are excited about

Before working with Michelle I had an idea of where I wanted to be, but wasn't sure how to achieve it.  Michelle helped me find a clear path to achieve my goals.

Jennifer C

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Sun peeking through clouds over ocean

Contact me 

Thanks for reaching out!

Balancing Rocks
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